V IAG Science Day (2020)


Horário de início



Transmissão online


Registration for the V IAG Science Day is now open!
This event is an opportunity for all IAG members to present a concise summary of their research to all the other members of our institute. This year’s edition will be online. Videos will be available on YouTube, so you can share and use it anytime. There will be a prize for the best videos in several categories, so make your best!
Write down the DATES on your agenda:

  • Nov. 11th: registration deadline - EXTENDED
  • Nov. 16th: deadline to send the videos (more info on that will come soon)
  • Nov. 23th: IAG Science day begins!
  • Nov. 27th: Live for announcing the best presentations in each category


  • Undergraduate students, graduate students, post-docs, and professors are invited to present their contributions
  • Be concise and to the point! Be creative, for every minute counts.
  • Slides should preferably be in English
  • Presentations can be either in English or in Portuguese



  • Prepare a 4-minute video with your research. 
  • Presenters will be organized in 1-hour sessions, starting at 10 am and 2pm of everyday.
  • The number of sessions is still open, as it will depend on the number of participants.
  • Sessions will be live, hosted by a chair. The sessions will later be made available in the IAG Science Day youtube channel.
  • Presenters should attend their own sessions to answer questions from the audience via youtube chat.
  • Every session will have an evaluation form, so the audience can give a score to each presentation.


  • Public choice award for the best science content
  • Public choice award for the best presentation
  • Public choice award from the best speaker
  • Juri award in the following categories:
  • Best IC presentation
  • Best MSc presentation
  • Best PhD presentation
  • Best Post-doctoral presentation

RECOMENDAÇÕES para o elaboração do vídeo:

  • O vídeo deve ser elaborado com o tempo máximo de 4 minutos
  • Para otimizar seu tempo, faça um roteiro antes de gravar
  • O vídeo pode ser feito como uma apresentação de slides com gravação de voz:
  • No primeiro slide, coloque o título do trabalho, o(s) nome(s) da(s) pessoa(s) envolvida(s) no trabalho (autor/a e orientador/a), a afiliação e a agência financiadora
  • O trabalho idealmente é pensado com o seguinte fio condutor: Introdução e contextualização; descrição do projeto e metodologia; resultados; conclusões e perspectivas. Entretanto, isso não precisa ser explícito na apresentação, serve mais como guia
  • Dê créditos às figuras que for utilizar
  • É interessante mostrar seu rosto para que pessoas te reconheçam futuramente, seja com o vídeo de você falando num canto da apresentação ou com uma foto no primeiro slide. Mas não é obrigatório, faça como se sentir mais confortável
  • Evite colocar texto demais! Um vídeo geralmente é mais dinâmico, com imagens e áudio
  • Recomenda-se que a gravação seja feita com um microfone daqueles que vêm com o fone de ouvido, pois a qualidade fica melhor que pelo microfone do computador. Escolha um lugar e um momento silenciosos ao gravar para minimizar ruídos de fundo.
  • Para a gravação, pode-se utilizar softwares como OBS Studio, ActivePresenter (Windows e Mac https://atomisystems.com/download/), Wine (Linux)
  • A USP disponibilizou um tutorial sobre edição com o ActivePresenter:
    • http://eaulas.usp.br/portal/video.action?idItem=8728
    • http://eaulas.usp.br/portal/video.action?idItem=9175

Informações sobre o FORMATO do vídeo:

  • Container/extensão/formato: MP4
  • Resolução: 1920x1080 ou 1280x720, codificação h.264/AVC*
  • Frame Rate: 24, 25, 30 ou 60 FPS
  • Audio: stereo ou mono, 128 Kbps, sample rate de 48000 Hz, codificação AAC LC* 
  • os arquivos MP4 gerados pelo pelo ActivePresenter utilizam essa codificação.
  • Essas recomendações são baseadas nas especificações disponibilizadas pelo Google:
    • https://support.google.com/youtube/troubleshooter/2888402?hl=en
    • https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/1722171  


Transmissão online - https://www.youtube.com/IAGUSPvideos

Session 1 - Tuesday (Nov/24) - 10h00 - 11h00
Host: Alex C. Carciofi
Co-Host: Catarina P. Aydar
Judges: Carolina B. Gramcianinov (CA), Andrea Ustra (G), Felipe Navarete (A)


  1. Pedro Leite da Silva Dias (Atm. Sciences) - Opening
  2. Tajan Henrique de Amorim (Astronomy) - Dust modeling in red supergiants using Bayesian inference
  3. Camila da Cunha Lopes (Atm. Sciences) - Deep Convection Invigoration in Amazônia
  4. Francisco Jose Peres Alves Junqueira (Astronomy) - Emissão de raios gama e processos de altas energias em núcleos de galáxias starburst: alvos para o CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array)
  5. Caio Augusto Deiroz Amaral (Geophysics) - An attempt to estimate a ~3300 Ma paleomagnetic pole of São Francisco Craton (Bahia - Brazil): an impossible task?
  6. Guilherme Limberg (Astronomy) - Ancient Stars in the Galaxy
  7. Maria Victoria del Valle (Astronomy) - High-energy radiation from Galactic sources
  8. Gabriela Lima da Silva (Atm. Sciences) - Cloud Fraction Estimation Using All Sky Cameras 
  9. Marcelo Ciani Vicentin (Astronomy) - The hunt for galaxy protoclusters using QSO triplets as tracers
  10. Túlio Cordeiro Bicudo (Geophysics) - Caracterização de pluma de contaminação com métodos GPR e Eletroresistividade 
  11. Gabriel Fabiano de Souza (Astronomy) - Population parameters determination of Stellar Clusters in the Magellanic Clouds using S-PLUS Integrated Colors
  12. Marcia Akemi Yamasoe (Atm. Sciences) - Atmospheric Radiation Studies at IAG
  13. Lucas de Paula Lima Batista / Vitória Fonseca (IF-USP) - Cecilia: a program for Earth and Universe sciences popularization at schools


Session 2 - Tuesday (Nov/24) - 14h00 - 15h00
Host: Felipe Navarete
Co-Host: Andrea Ustra
Judges: André S. W. Teruya (CA), Plinio Jaqueto (G), Jane Gregorio-Hetem (A)


  1. Claudia Lucia Mendes de Oliveira (Astronomy) - The New Smallest and Largest telescopes for the Brazilian community
  2. Roberta Duarte Pereira (Astronomy) - Black Hole Weather Forecasting with Deep Learning
  3. Sergio Ibarra-Espinosa (Atm. Sciences) - How the COVID-19 restrictions impacted vehicular emissions and air quality in São Paulo
  4. Luciana Andrade Dourado (Astronomy) - Diffusion and acceleration of cosmic rays in astrophysical plasmas simulations
  5. João Pedro Rodriguez Pinto (Geophysics) - Paleomagnetic study of Acid rocks from the Novo Horizonte Formation (Bahia)
  6. Abhner Pinto de Almeida (Astronomy) - Dynamical Evolution of Galaxies in Clusters : The Role of Dynamic Friction
  7. Serenna Letícia Perugia Alves (Atm. Sciences) - Medições da Qualidade do Ar em Regiões Urbanas de Pequeno e Médio Porte/ Air Quality Measurement Over Small and Medium-Sized Urban Regions
  8. Elielson Soares Pereira (Astronomy) - Em busca de planetas circumbinarios após a morte de uma das mães
  9. Julia Massucato Silva (Geophysics) - Paleomagnetic and U-Pb (on zircon) study of the Mesoproterozoic Arinos Formation, northwest of the Mato Grosso State, Amazonian Craton
  10. Carlos Augusto Morales Rodriguez (Atm. Sciences) - Tropical TGF Paradox: A Cloud/Precipitation Microphysics Perspective
  11. Vitor Martins Cernic (Astronomy) - Galaxy population synthesis with machine learning techniques
  12. Diogo de Jesus Medeiros (Atm. Sciences) - Retrieval of Atmospheric Columns of Greenhouse Gases in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo
  13. Amanda Caveagna Rubio (Astronomy) - A binary system with... 2 disks? Simulating binary Be stars


Session 3 - Wednesday (Nov/25) - 10h00 - 11h00
Host: Andrea Ustra
Co-Host: Pedro H. S. Chibane
Judges: Natália Crespo (CA), Filipe Temporim (G), Rodrigo Nemmen (A)


  1. Edmilson Dias de Freitas (Atm. Sciences) - How effective will the new PROCONVE phases be for air quality improvement in the coming decades?
  2. Melissa de Andrade Nunes (Astronomy) - Crustal magnetization on Mars induced by lightning strikes?
  3. Janaína Anjos Melo (Geophysics) - Evaluation of dike magnetization homogeneity from quantitative interpretation of marine magnetic anomalies in the Mamanguá and Paraty-Mirim Rias, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  4. Lucas Cardoso da Silveira (Atm. Sciences) - Caracterização observacional da turbulência na superfície da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo
  5. Camila Naomi Koshikumo (Astronomy) - Formation of protostellar disks in the presence of turbulence
  6. Thais Fujita (Atm. Sciences) - Hydrological processes of the Paranapanema River in the past 50 years: influences on streamflow and sediment production
  7. Tania Elizabeth Medina Torrejón (Astronomy) - Aceleração de partículas por reconexão magnética em jatos relativísticos
  8. Carolina Silveira de Moraes (Geophysics) - Magnetic signatures of biogeochemical processes at a hydrocarbon contaminated site
  9. Fabrícia Oliveira Barbosa (Astronomy) - Study of spatial and kinematic structures of pre-main sequence stars in the Chamaeleon region
  10. Caluan Rodrigues Capozzoli (Atm. Sciences) - How can weather forecasts improve the prediction of flood events? (Como previsões meteorológicas podem melhorar a previsão de eventos de inundação?)
  11. Ariane Cristina Fonseca Silva (Astronomy) - High precision polarimetry meets space photometry


Session 4 - Wednesday (Nov/25) - 14h00 - 15h00
Host: Catarina P. Aydar
Co-Host: Thiago Nogueira
Judges: Guilherme M. Pereira (CA), Nelson R. C. F. Zuniga (G), Raniere de Menezes (A)


  1. Florence Irene Helena de Almeida (Astronomy) - High Spectral Evolution of the 2011 Explosion of the Recurrent Nova T Pyxidis
  2. Amanda Rehbein (Atm. Sciences) - Mesoscale convective systems over Amazon basin: past, present, and future
  3. Isabela Giusti Tonelli (Astronomy) - Um levantamento sobre os egressos da Astronomia
  4. Gabriel Negrucci Dragone (Geophysics) - From Maxwell's equations to tectonic features: using the magnetotelluric method to unveil cratons and sutures in South American platform
  5. Carolina Spíndola Duarte (Astronomy) - Physical characterization of false positives in the search of gravitational lenses in the Gaia GraL project 
  7. Marco Antonio Couto Junior (Geophysics) - IP Effect in Transient Electromagnetic Method
  8. Matheus Zaghi de Oliveira (Astronomy) - Magnetospheres of Massive Stars revealed by Polarimetry
  9. Rafaela Squizzato (Atm. Sciences) - Qualidade do Ar
  10. Juliana Abboud (Astronomy) - Satellites Around Bright Isolated Galaxies in S-PLUS
  11. Natalia Pillar da Silva (Atm. Sciences) - Near Surface Wind Speed Correction in Historical Climate Downscaling
  12. Luna Costa Lacerda Espinosa (Astronomy) - Detection of transients in J-VAR


Session 5 - Thursday (Nov/26) - 10h00 - 11h00
Host: Pedro H. S. Chibane
Co-Host: Felipe Navarete
Judges: Carlos Eduardo Oliveira (CA), Gabriel Dragone (G), Thais Silva (A)


  1. Pedro Ticiani dos Santos (Astronomy) - Dynamic Contextualization of a sample of Be stars observed by TESS using spectroscopic analysis
  2. Andressa Andrade Cardoso (Atm. Sciences) - Relationship between wind speed at the surface over the South Atlantic Ocean and the subtropical cyclones
  3. Saqib Hussain (Astronomy) - "Cosmic Ray Acceleration and Propagation in Turbulent
  4. Intracluster and Intergalactic Media"
  5. Rosmeri Porfírio da Rocha (Atm. Sciences) - Climate projections in fine resolution downscaling over South America: trends and classification of cyclonic systems
  6. Vitor Neves Hartmann (Astronomy) - Systems Engineering in ELT Instrumentation.
  7. Letícia Rangel Dantas (Geophysics) - Pore structure in sandstones using magnetite nanoparticles
  8. Alessandro Ederoclite (Astronomy) - Optical Transients and Wide Field Surveys
  9. Camila Ribeiro Sapucci (Atm. Sciences) - Precipitation Predictability on the sub-seasonal scale in Brazilian watersheds
  10. Stefano Oliveira de Souza (Astronomy) - The formation and evolution of Multiple Stellar Populations in Globular Clusters
  11. Ricardo Trindade (Geophysics) - A Anomalia magnética do Atlântico Sul
  12. Jayne Sousa Silva (Atm. Sciences) - Padrões de ozônio troposférico em cidades de pequeno e médio porte
  13. Rubens Fabio Pereira (Atm. Sciences) - Caracterização sazonal e semanal das distribuições de tamanho, concentração do número e eventos de formação de novas partículas na cidade de São Paulo


Session 6 - Thursday (Nov/26) - 14h00 - 15h00
Host: Rodrigo Nemmen
Co-Host: Natália Pillar
Judges: Maria de Fátima (CA), Carlos Alberto Moreno Chaves (G), Fabio Herpich (A)


  1. Raidiel Puig Beltrán (Atm. Sciences) - "Impacto da segregação do gelo por propriedades microfísicas na simulação da atividade elétrica em tempestades"
  2. Pedro Henrique Cezar Remião de Macedo (Astronomy) - Deep IFS View of Nuclei of Galaxies: The case of NGC 5643
  3. Julia Carolina Rivadeneyra Vera (Geophysics) - Imaging the lithosphere depth under Brazil
  4. Felipe Navarete (Astronomy) - The formation of high-mass stars: what’s going on at 100 AU scales?
  5. Carolina Barnez Gramcianinov (Atm. Sciences) - Extratropical cyclones impact in extreme wind-wave events in Atlantic Ocean: present and future perspective
  6. Isabela Souza de Almeida Garcia (Astronomy) - Tadpoles in Stripe-83
  7. Eduardo Traversi de Cai Conrado (Atm. Sciences) - Application of the vorticity budget to study the dynamics of subtropical cyclones in the South Atlantic Ocean
  8. Juan Carlos Rodríguez-Ramírez (Astronomy) - High Energy Emission from Magnetised BH-Jet Systems
  9. Tacio Cordeiro Bicudo (Geophysics) - Modelagem numérica da evolução da paisagem na Amazônia
  10. Melissa Dias da Silva Oliveira (Atm. Sciences) - Instabilidade convectiva em tempestades severas na cidade de São Paulo
  11. André Luiz Figueiredo (Astronomy) - Estrelas Be: um estudo populacional
  12. Carine M. Gama (Atm. Sciences) - Mysterious Oil Spill on Brazilian Coast: Origins


Session 7 - Friday (Nov/27) - 10h00 - 11h00
Host: Rosmeri P. da Rocha
Co-Host: Natália Crespo
Judges: Natália Pillar (CA), André Kowalski (G), Alex Carciofi (A)


  1. Catarina Pasta Aydar (Astronomy) - Classification of galactic nuclei
  2. Natália Machado Crespo (Atm. Sciences) - Cyclones in different reanalyses dataset over South America
  3. Stela Adduci Faria (Astronomy) - Amplification of Cosmic Magnetic Fields in the Intergalactic Diffuse Plasma
  4. Daniel Constantino Zacharias (Atm. Sciences) - Mysterious Oil Spill on Brazilian Coast:  Estimates
  5. Thaina Aragao Sabino (Astronomy) - Conspicuous features around young stellar clusters
  6. Lúcio Quadros (Geophysics) - Ambient Noise Tomography in the Pantanal Basin
  7. Giovani Heinzen Vicentin (Astronomy) - Particle acceleration and propagation around Black Holes via Magnetic Reconnection
  8. Rodrigo Lustosa (Atm. Sciences) - Estimate of Air Temperature by Satellite
  9. Leonardo Vieira Costa (Astronomy) - Medida da forma de galáxias fracas livre da PSF no contexto do levantamento J-PAS
  10. Diego Lorenzo-Oliveira (Astronomy) - In search of ancient solar-proxies to unveil the activity and rotational fate of the Sun
  11. Breno Raphaldini (Atm. Sciences) - Rossby waves: bridging scales in Earth's atmosphere, Earth's core and Sun
  12. William Eduardo Clavijo Bohórquez (IF-USP) - Feedback in Active Galactic Nuclei
  13. Elisabete Maria de Gouveia Dal Pino (Astronomy) - Advances in Science of the GAPAE (Grupo de Astrofísica de Plasmas e Altas Energias)


Encerramento e Premiação - Friday (Nov/27) - 17h00