
Título Autor Ano de publicação
Evolução diurna e anual da radiação direta na incidência GOMES, N. 2006
VLT-UVES analysis of two giants in the bulge metal-poor globular cluster HP-1 Barbuy, B. 2006
An application of neural network technique to correct the dome temperature effects on pyrgeometer measurements OLIVEIRA, A. P. 2006
Globular cluster system and Milky Way properties revisited Bica, E. 2006
Crustal and upper mantle structure in the intracratonic Paraná Basin, SE Brazil, from surface wave dispersion using genetic algorithms An, M. 2006
Probing magnetohydrodynamical scenarios for jet production de Gouveia Dal Pino, E. M. 2006
Rossby wave propagation and its relationship with severe frosts over South America MULLER, G. V. 2006
Structure and dynamics of the Shapley Supercluster. Velocity catalogue, general morphology and mass Proust, D. 2006
Complexity and predictabilily of daily precipitation in a semi-arid region:an application to Ceará, Brazil SILVA, M. E. S. 2006
Inter ENSO variability and its influence over the South American monsoon system DRUMOND, A. R. M. 2006
On the magnetic structure and wind parameter profiles of Alfvén wave driven winds in late-type supergiant stars Falceta-Gonçalves, D. 2006
Workshop on Air Quality Forecasting in Latin American Cities ANDRADE, M. F. 2006
Nocturnal cold air drainage and pooling in a tropical forest GOULDEN, M. L. 2006
El Niño influence over South America during the mid-holocene JORGETTI, T. 2006
Paleomagnetic constraints on the age of the Botucatu Formation in Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil Tamrat, E. 2006
Detailed chemical evolution of Carina and Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxies Lanfranchi, G.A. 2006
Assisted stellar suicide in V617 Sagittarii Steiner, J.E. 2006
Aplicação integrada de métodos geofísicos em uma área de disposição de resíduos sólidos urbanos em Bauru-SP Lago, A. L. 2006
AG Carinae: a luminous blue variable with a high rotational velocity Groh, J.H. 2006
Photometric study of a sample of southern binary galaxies Couto da Silva, T.C. 2006
Dynamical evidence of the age-metallicity relation in the Milky Way disk Rocha-Pinto, H.J. 2006
The inner region of the asteroid Main Belt: a spectroscopic and dynamic analysis Alvarez-Candal, A. 2006
SOAR BVI photometry of the metal-poor bulge globular cluster NGC 6642 Barbuy, B. 2006
GRP utilizado na deteção da geometria de cavas usadas para disposição de resíduos de óleos lubrificantes Borges, W.R.,Borges, W.R. 2006
Inter-El Niño variability and its impact on the South American low-level jet east of the Andes during austral summer- two case studies SILVA, G.A.M. 2006
Data sets from the continental-scale experiments. ROADS, J. 2006
Sensitivity studies of the RegCM3 simulation of summer precipitation, temperature and local wind field in the Caribbean Region MARTÍNEZ-CASTRO, D. 2006
Discovery of a cluster of galaxies behind the Milky Way: X-ray and optical observations Lopes de Oliveira, R. 2006
First stars IX - Mixing in extremely metal-poor giants. Variation of the 12C/13C, [Na/Mg] and [Al/Mg] ratios Spite, M. 2006
Non-LTE Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer. I. The Thermal Properties of Keplerian Disks around Classical Be Stars Carciofi, A.C. 2006
O Interior da Terra Marques, L.S. 2006
Paleomagnetic record of Africa and South America for the 1200-500 Ma interval, and evaluation of Rodinia and Gondwana assemblies Tohver, E. 2006
Modulation of the intraseasonal rainfall over tropical Brazil by the Madden-Julian oscillation SOUZA, E. B. 2006
Comparative tests of seismic among sources and geophones aiming at shallow reflection seismic investigation in urban areas Bokhonok, O. 2006
Validation of the emission inventory in the São Paulo Metropolitan Area of Brazil, based on ambient concentrations ratios of CO, NMOG and NOx and on a photochemical model VIVANCO, M. G. 2006
The PM2000 Bordeaux proper motion catalogue (+11° < delta < +18°) Ducourant, C. 2006
Subsurface oceans and deep interiors of medium-sized outer planet satellites and large trans-neptunian objects Hussmann, H. 2006
Towards a Unified View of the American Monsoon Systems Vera, C. 2006
The evolution of barium and europium in local dwarf spheroidal galaxies Lanfranchi, G.A. 2006
AMS and grain shape fabric of the Late Paleozoic diamictites of Southeastern Paraná basin, Brazil Archanjo, C.J. 2006
Resultados paleomagnéticos preliminares do Grupo Santa Fé (Paleozóico da Bacia Sanfranciscana): implicações sobre a idade e paleolatitude da sedimentação glacial Brandt, D. 2006
Pesqueclima: vulnerabilidade das Comunidades Pesqueiras à Variabilidade Climática na Região estuarina da Lagoa dos Patos KRUSCHE, N. 2006
The shower size parameter as estimator of extensive air shower energy in fluorescence telescopes de Souza, V. 2006
Soil moisture dynamics in an eastern Amazonian tropical forest BRUNO, R. D. 2006
GPR for mapping fractures and as a guide for the extraction of ornamental granite from a quarry: a case study from Southern Brazil Porsani, J.L. 2006
Bright Metal-poor Stars from the Hamburg/ESO Survey. I. Selection and Follow-up Observations from 329 Fields Frebel, A. 2006
Participação da SBMET no 1º Seminário de Avaliação do Curso Técnico em Meteorologia do CEFETSC PEREIRA FILHO, A. J. 2006
The young massive stellar cluster associated with RCW 121 Roman-Lopes, A. 2006
Velocity dispersion, mass, and the luminosity function of the fossil cluster RX J1416.4+2315 Cypriano, E.S. 2006