Committee of Culture and University Extension

USP maintains cultural and extension activities with the aim of bridging University and society, supporting the dissemination of science while building new knowledge. At IAG, such efforts include guided visitation, technical reports, lectures, courses and courseware, and interviews for journalists.

IAG's efforts in this arena are organized and incentivized by its Committee of Culture and University Extension (CCEx). The CCEx's composition is determined by IAG's Regulations (Capítulo VIII, Artigo 28), and its role is regulated by Resolução CoCEx nº 5006 (Artigo 1º). IAG's CCEx is made up of its President and Vice-Presidente (elected by IAG's Academic Board), by two faculty representatives for each Department (nominated by the Department and ratified by IAG's Academic Board) and by a student representative (elected by undergraduate and graduate students at IAG).