III IAG Science Day (2018)


Horário de início



Aud. Prof. Paulo Benevides Soares – IAG/USP (Rua do Matão, 1226 - Cidade Universitária)

We are pleased to announce the III IAG Science Day! Write down the dates on your agenda: June 19th and 20th, 2018.

This event is an opportunity for all IAG members to present a concise summary of their research to all the other members of our institute.


  • Advanced undergraduate students***, graduate students, post-docs and professors are invited to present their contribution
  • Everyone is invited to attend
  • 4-minute presentations followed by 1 minute questions from the audience
  • Be concise and to the point!
  • All members are treated equally, regardless of their position
  • Slides should preferably be in English
  • Presentations can be either in English or in Portuguese
  • It is preferable that all presentations are in pdf. Exceptions to accommodate videos, etc. will be considered.
  • Long coffee-breaks will be served to allow plenty of time for discussion

*** Advanced undergraduate students are 3rd or 4th year students with an ongoing IC (Iniciação Científica) project.

It is advisable to practice your talks and make sure that you can say what you want to say within 4 minutes. But you can also deliver an impromptu speech and just keep talking until your time is up. The idea is to present and discuss our research projects in a constructive and relaxed environment.

  • Registration is done by filling out this form: https://goo.gl/forms/YcDVFd5erYMWxA1J3
  • More instructions will follow soon.
  • All participants that so request will receive a participation certificate.

See you all there,
The Organizing Committee
Alex C. Carciofi
Augusto José Pereira Filho
Fábio Luiz Teixeira Gonçalves
Felipe Navarete
Rafael Silva
Rodrigo Nemmen
Victor Sacek


Session 1 (19/06 09:30 - 10:50)
Chair: Alex C. Carciofi
Pedro Leite da Silva Dias - Opening Address

  1. Lucas Barreto Mota dos Santos - MHD turbulence, self-gravity and radiative cooling effects on star formation regions
  2. André Kowalski - Development of Spontaneous Potential Probe for Groundwater Investigation
  3. Stela Adduci Faria - Diffuse InterGalactic Magnetic Fields Using Cosmological Simulations
  4. Isabela Christina Siqueira - Effects of Urbanization on the Development of Severe Weather
  5. Marta Henriques Jácomo - NMR in anomalous porosity sandstones
  6. Amanda Caveagna Rubio - Life and death of a Be disk: HD6226
  7. Alan Jesús García Rosales - Spatio-temporal assessment of precipitation over the Santa Basin (Peru) with different WRF Model Physical Parameterizations.
  8. João Pedro Macedo Silva - Was the Pantanal Basin originated by the Andean uplift?
  9. Rafael R. de Campos - Aquecimento de discos de acreção de objetos estelares jovens
  10. Franco Cassol -Determination of errors in numerical WRF precipitation simulations for Paraná Basin
  11. Sayyed Mohammad Reza Ghoreyshi - First step to test evolutionary models of massive stars using the viscous disk paradigm

Session 2 (19/06 11:20 - 12:30)
Chair: Rodrigo Nemmen

  1. Rogério Monteiro-Oliveira - Building the Universe: some insights on the large-scale structure formation
  2. Pedro Henrique da Silva Chibane - Forward Modeling of Complex Structures in Geophysical Electromagnetic Problems
  3. Janet Valdes Tito - Investigação da CLP na RMSP usando o modelo WRF e LES
  4. André Luiz Figueiredo - Modelagem dinâmica de curvas de luz de estrelas Be
  5. Caio Augusto Deiroz Amaral - Revisiting Tangará da Serra (MT)
  6. Augusto José Pereira Filho - On integrating satellite estimates and rain gauge measurements of precipitation
  7. Leonardo Yoshiaki kamigauti - Together We Are Stronger: the use of geophysical tools in environmental meteorology problems.
  8. Jeová Ramos da Silva Junior - Study of Radiation Transfer in Forest Canopy with the Use of Three-Dimensional Radiative Transfer Model
  9. Andrea Ustra - Environmental magnetism and biogeophysics for anthropogenic pollution study
  10. Erik Vinicius Rodrigues de Lima - Identification of satellite galaxies with S-PLUS
  11. Janine Araujo do Carmo - How can speleothems record the geomagnetic field?
  12. Pankaj Kushwaha  - Understanding Relativistic Jets and High Energy Emission through Multi-wavelength Data Modeling

Session 3 (19/06 14:00 - 15:20)
Chair: Eder Molina

  1. Paramita Barai - Intermediate-Mass Black Hole Feedback in Dwarf Galaxies
  2. Frederico Luiz Funari - Energy Balance in a Patch of Atlantic Forest in S.Paulo, City, Brazil
  3. Plinio Francisco Jaqueto - Stalagmites as pre-Gaussian geomagnetic observatories
  4. Geraldo Gonçalves dos Santos Júnior - Fitting globular clusters spectra: exploring the dependences on wavelength range
  5. Julia Carolina Rivadeneyra Vera - Updated crustal thickness map of Brazil
  6. Raniere Maciel de Menezes - Gamma-rays from globular clusters
  7. Laís Tabosa Machado - North Atlantic hurricanes activity and its dynamical response over South America
  8. Estevão Vasconcello Campos Tadeu - Lithospheric thinning of the Pantanal Basin
  9. Sandra Milena Conde Cuellar - What role do the coronal loops play in the solar physics?
  11. Gustavo Soares - Hungry black holes
  12. Karine Zuccolan Carvas - Magmatism in Southeast Brazil during the Albian: what do Búzios beaches still hide?

Session 4 (19/06 16:00 - 17:20)
Chair: Victor Sacek 

  1. Catarina Pasta Aydar - Alternative diagnostic diagrams for AGN
  2. Maria de Fatima Andrade - Research projects in atmospheric pollution
  3. Victor Sacek - Eroding upside down: how the base of the lithosphere can removed on the geological time scale
  4. Jorge Melendez - SAMPA: Stellar Atmospheres, Planets & Abundances
  5. Sergio Ibarra Espinosa - R packages for air pollution studies
  6. William Eduardo Clavijo Bohórquez - Effects of Magnetized AGN- and SF-winds on the evolution of galaxy outflows at 1 kiloparsec scales.
  7. Leonardo Fabricius Silva - Automated Classification of Earthquakes to be Used as Templates in Identification Algorithms
  8. Diego Lorenzo de Oliveira - Past and future of the magnetic Sun: Solar twins as a testbed for solar dynamo models
  9. Klaus Contiero - Rede neural artificial para picking automático e diferenciação dos eventos sísmicos
  10. Mohammad Ali Nawaz - Interaction of Hydra A jets with the intracluster medium
  11. Shaila Akhter - The role of Galactic bar and spiral arms on high-mass star formation

Session 5 (20/06 09:30 - 10:50)
Chair: Felipe Navarete

  1. Stephane Vaz Werner - Finding Galaxy Clusters Using S-PLUS Data
  2. Giovanni Moreira - Paleomagnetism of the Penatecaua Igneous Rocks from the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province in the Amazon Basin, Brazil
  3. Fabio Cafardo - Investigação de Sagitário A* em Raios Gama com o Telescópio Fermi
  4. Raidiel Puig Beltran - Estudo do impacto de parametrizações microfísicas na simulação da atividade elétrica nas tempestades
  5. Rodrigo Nemmen - Accelerating Black Hole Radiative Transport with GPUs
  6. Wilbor Poletti - Flipping geomagnetic poles or flopping the expectation?
  7. Rubinei Dorneles Machado - Filling missing data in INMET automatic weather stations
  8. Manuel Antonio Merello Ferrada - Characterizing hot-molecular core candidates with APEX and ALMA telescopes.
  9. Lúcio Quadros de Souza - Macroseismic Intensity Data Online Publisher (MIDOP)
  10. Grasiane Luz Mathias - Thousand leagues under the sea: remote control of magnetic mineral formation

Session 6 (20/06 11:20 - 12:30)
Chair: Victor Sacek

  1. Saqib Hussain - Propagation of Cosmic-Rays and Gamma-Rays in the turbulent Intergalactic Medium
  2. Eric Tohver - The Big Splash: Stratigraphic evidence for the Araguainha impact event in the end-Paleozoic Paraná Basin
  3. Ivan Almeida - Winds from black holes
  4. Bruna Chagas de Melo - Inferring Upper Mantle Flow in South America from Seismic Anisotropy and Shear Wave Splitting
  5. Felipe Navarete - High-mass star formation: from molecular outflows to accretion discs
  6. Daniel Schuch - Emissões veiculares com EmissV e eixport
  7. Henrique Lupinari - Testing G-CLEF Fiber Efficiency: the Impact of Using Adaptive Optics
  8. Daniele Brandt - Study of Paleozoic Geomagnetic field through statistical models
  9. Johnny H. Esteves - Correlação Entre AGNs e Aglomerados de Galáxias Através do Óptico e Raios-X
  10. Alex Cavaliéri Carciofi - A new supercomputer for IAG, IF, IO and IME