VII IAG Science Day (2022)


Horário de início



Transmissão online

Registration for the 7th IAG Science Day is now open!

Tendo em vista o aumento alarmante do número de casos de COVID, e a mudança das regras sanitárias pela reitoria, tivemos que mudar o formato do VII IAG Science Day para exclusivamente online, como foi feito nos últimos 2 anos.

Para dar tempo a todos se ajustarem a este novo formato, resolvemos adiar o evento em uma semana. Por isso pedimos a todos os participantes que já se inscreveram, que por favor façam nova inscrição usando o formulário abaixo. A reinscrição é necessária para que vocês possam marcar suas datas impossíveis. E, é claro, novos participantes são bem-vindos, ainda temos vagas :)

MUITO IMPORTANTE: o formato será diferente do ano passado. As apresentações são ao vivo, via Google Meet. Ou seja, não será necessário gravar as apresentações previamente. Mandaremos mais instruções oportunamente.



  • 25/11: prazo de inscrição
  • 29/11: começa o IAG Science Day!
  • 02/12: Live com o anúncio dos vencedores de cada categoria (horário a ser divulgado)

This event is an opportunity for all IAG members to present a concise summary of their research to all the other members of our institute. This year’s edition will be in person, bringing back the main gist of the meeting which is the interaction between students and professors of all three departments.

The event will be broadcasted at IAG's YouTube channel. Should anyone need to make their contributions online please write the organizers to make the necessary arrangements. There will be a prize for the best presentations in several categories, so make your best!


  • Undergraduate students, graduate students, post-docs, and professors are invited to present their contributions
  • Be concise and to the point! Be creative, for every minute counts.
  • Slides should preferably be in English
  • Presentations can be either in English or in Portuguese


  • Presentations will be 4 minutes long + 1 minute for questions
  • Presenters will be organized in 1:20 sessions.
  • Sessions will be recorded and will later be made available in the IAG Science Day youtube channel.
  • Every session will have an evaluation form, so the audience can give a score to each presentation.


  • Public choice award for the best science content
  • Public choice award for the best presentation
  • Public choice award from the best speaker
  • Juri award in the following categories:
    • Best IC presentation
    • Best MSc presentation
    • Best PhD presentation
    • Best Post-doctoral presentation

Should you have any questions, contact the local organizing committee at

We are looking forward to see everyone in the IAG Science Day.

Alex C. Carciofi
On behalf of the local organizing committee



Transmissão online -

Quarta (30/11/2022)


14:00 - 15:20 | Sessão 1

Formulário de Avaliação:

  1. Anne Viegas Rathsam --- Lithium depletion in solar analogs
  2. Marqi Rocque --- Radar Characteristics of Severe Storms in Central Argentina
  3. Lliana li --- Detection of stellar variability through the S-PLUS data
  4. Leticia Rangel Dantas  --- CZO EACH-PET: a multidisciplinary research infrastructure in an urban environment
  5. Leonardo Vieira Costa --- Galaxy shape measurement with convolutional neural networks: to use or not to use, that is the question.
  6. Mariana Fadigatti Picolo --- Impacts of future urbanization on convective precipitation in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo (MASP)
  7. Ingrid dos Santos Beloto --- The Dynamical Masses of Galactic Gravitational Lenses
  8. Gabriel Negrucci Dragone --- Thunderstorms and solar wind-magnetosphere interactions as EM sources for studying the Earth's interior
  9. Raphael Augusto Pereira de Oliveira --- Age and metallicity gradients of stellar clusters in the Magellanic Bridge
  10. Nilson Oliveira da Silva --- Pantanal: What climate is this?
  11. Adeildo Santos de Jesus --- Astrometric Radial Velocities
  12. Lucas Paulino Santos --- Exploring the properties of dust grains in supergiants stars envelopes
  13. Loreany Ferreira de Araújo --- Neutron stars and dark energy: what might they have in common?

16:00 - 17:20 | Sessão 2

Formulário de Avaliação:

  1. Otavio Sebastião Krinski Moreira --- Comparing Exoplanets and the Solar System: A Distribution Study
  2. Luana Passos Reis --- Study of AGN Flares: a brightening analysis from Fermi data and target sources for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
  3. Caio Morelli Vicentini --- Contamination Processes on Natural Melts: a Contribution of Chaotic Mixing Experiments
  4. Tajan Henrique de Amorim --- 3-D Hydrodynamic Simulations coupled with Radiative transfer
  5. Giovani Heinzen Vicentin --- Magnetic Reconnection, and particle acceleration and propagation around Black Holes
  6. Vitoria Rodilha Leão --- Climatology of hail in the state of Sao Paulo based on weather radar estimates
  7. Ariane Cristina Fonseca Silva --- Beacon: A Polarimetric Survey of Be Stars
  8. Elismar Lösch --- Galaxy Superclusters in the Nearby Universe
  9. Danilo Dias Cruz --- Metroclima Project: Analysis of the temporal variation of carbon dioxide in the megacity of São Paulo at the IAG Station
  10. Yasmmin Ferreira Tamburus --- Alfvén wave-driven protostellar wind and its interaction with the planetary magnetosphere
  11. Thaina Aragao Sabino --- Conspicuous Features Around Young Stellar Clusters
  12. Klaus Contiero --- Analysis of the influence of the mantle shear-wave velocity structure on travel time of SS-waves and its precursors: implications for the determination of the mantle transition zone
  13. Stela Adduci Faria --- Small scale dynamo on the large scales of the Universe

Quinta (01/12/2022)

14:00 - 15:20 | Sessão 3

Formulário de Avaliação:

  1. Thayse Adineia Pacheco --- Modelling integrated light spectrum to study hot stellar components in old stellar populations
  2. Pierre Augusto Ré Martho --- Search and characterization of Satellite Galaxies and Stellar Streams of the Milky Way in the S-PLUS survey
  3. Marianna Tagnin --- Near surface geophysics for world water security
  4. Vitor Neves Hartmann --- MANIFEST, SE, GMTBrO: alphabet soup!
  5. Gabriel Teixeira Guimarães --- Chaotic diffusion timescales: Two sides of the river
  6. Giovana Santos Oliveira --- Developing experiments with radio waves for the introduction of astronomy and physics concepts in high school classes
  7. Tania Elizabeth Medina Torrejón --- 3D MHD simulations of particle acceleration to Ultra-High-Energies by magnetic reconnection in relativistic jets
  8. Victoria malta Pereira de Lima e Eric Frota de Sousa --- Geophysics to earthcast the critical zone
  9. Antonio Nazareno Uchoa de Oliveira Filho --- Uma Investigação da Acurácia e Precisão do Polarímetro IAG/POL
  10. Eduardo Verrone Sanches --- PlanLab - Laboratório Planetário
  11. Maria Luiza Kovalski --- Tendências Futuras na Variabilidade de Alta Frequência no Potencial Eólico no Nordeste do Brasil em Projeções Climáticas do Modelo REGCM4
  12. Maria Fernanda Camacho de Assis --- Real color images from Be stars simulations
  13. Isabel Bonomo Pederneiras --- The Evolution of the Mass - X-ray Luminosity Relation in the CODEX Galaxy Cluster Sample

16:00 - 17:20 | Sessão 4

Formulário de Avaliação:

  1. Pâmela Reis Querido  --- An Investigation of Mass Loss Events in Be Stars
  2. Francisco Junqueira --- Numerical MHD simulations of starburst galaxies targets for the Cherenkov Telescope Array and the ASTRI Mini Array
  3. Danilo Couto de Souza --- How ocean-atmosphere coupling affects the energy cycle of cyclonic systems in the Southwestern Atlantic?
  4. Lucas Augusto Leardini Siconato --- Investigando emissões de raios gama de Sagitário A*
  5. Nicolle Libanio de Oliveira --- Morphology and Scale Relations of Nova shells
  6. Marcia Akemi Yamasoe --- South American 2020 regional smoke plume and the role of Pantanal burning season
  7. Pedro Ticiani dos Santos --- Understanding Be stars using multi-band photometry
  8. Pedro Henrique do Vale Cunha --- A detailed overview of known gravitational lenses
  9. Lucas Camargo --- Study of the mesoscale convective system in Brazil that generated the megaflash considered one of the longest-distance lightning records in the world
  10. Ciriaco Goddi --- Imaging black holes with the Event Horizon Telescope
  11. Matheus de Lima Pinho --- Surveying The physical properties of Be stars


Sexta (02/12/2022)

11:30 - 12:00 | Sessão de Premiação
