The chemodynamical nature of the stellar overdensities in the Milky Way


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Auditório "Prof. Dr. Paulo Benevides Soares", Bloco G. Com transmissão pela internet

The chemodynamical nature of the stellar overdensities in the Milky Way
Dr. Hélio Perottoni
Abstract: Over the past two decades, several stellar structures have been discovered both near the Galactic plane and in the halo. Some of the most intriguing of these structures are stellar overdensities, which are tenuous and spatially extended clouds of stars. Those stellar overdensities are identified as stellar count excesses in a given region of the sky when compared to other Galactic halo fields. Their nature has been debated since their discovery between an in situ and an ex-situ origin, although it seems that a consensus has finally been reached. In spite of this, there are still open questions regarding their characterization and how and when they formed.
In this talk, I will discuss the nature of halo stellar overdensities and the characterization of disk stellar overdensities. I will present (i) a historical overview of these structures; (ii) the results from chemodynamical analyses our group performed for several of them.
Mini-bio: Hélio Perottoni is a postdoc researcher at IAG/USP, a member of the Galactic Archeology group, and a collaborator on the S-PLUS Survey. Research topics of interest to him are stellar overdensities, tidal streams, dwarf galaxies, chemical abundances, and metal-poor stars in the Milky Way.
He has a Bachelor's degree in Physics from Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, and a Master's and Ph.D. from Observatório do Valongo at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. He recently worked as a visiting researcher at Universitat de Barcelona. In April, as a postdoctoral researcher, he will join the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences, in Warsaw, Poland.