VI IAG Science Day (2021)


Horário de início



Transmissão online

Registration for the 6th IAG Science Day is now open!
This event is an opportunity for all IAG members to present a concise summary of their research to all the other members of our institute. This year’s edition will be online, following last year’s successful format. Videos will be available on YouTube, so you can share and use it anytime. There will be a prize for the best videos in several categories, so make your best!
Write down the DATES on your agenda: 

  • Nov. 10th: registration deadline - EXTENDED
  • Nov. 15th: deadline to send the videos (more info on that will come soon)
  • Nov. 23th: IAG Science day begins!
  • Nov. 26th: Live for announcing the best presentations in each category


  • Undergraduate students, graduate students, post-docs, and professors are invited to present their contributions
  • Be concise and to the point! Be creative, for every minute counts.
  • Slides should preferably be in English
  • Presentations can be either in English or in Portuguese



  1. Prepare a 4-minute video with your research. 
  2. Presenters will be organized in 1-hour sessions, starting at 10 am and 2pm of everyday.
  3. The number of sessions is still open, as it will depend on the number of participants.
  4. Sessions will be live, hosted by a chair. The sessions will later be made available in the IAG Science Day youtube channel.
  5. Presenters should attend their own sessions to answer questions from the audience via youtube chat.
  6. Every session will have an evaluation form, so the audience can give a score to each presentation.


  1. Public choice award for the best science content
  2. Public choice award for the best presentation
  3. Public choice award from the best speaker
  4. Jury award in the following categories:
    • Best IC presentation
    • Best MSc presentation
    • Best PhD presentation
    • Best Post-doctoral presentation

Should you have any questions, contact the local organizing committee at

We are looking forward to see everyone in the IAG Science Day.

RECOMENDAÇÕES para o elaboração do vídeo:

  • O vídeo deve ser elaborado com o tempo máximo de 4 minutos
  • Para otimizar seu tempo, faça um roteiro antes de gravar
  • O vídeo pode ser feito como uma apresentação de slides com gravação de voz:
  • No primeiro slide, coloque o título do trabalho, o(s) nome(s) da(s) pessoa(s) envolvida(s) no trabalho (autor/a e orientador/a), a afiliação e a agência financiadora
  • O trabalho idealmente é pensado com o seguinte fio condutor: Introdução e contextualização; descrição do projeto e metodologia; resultados; conclusões e perspectivas. Entretanto, isso não precisa ser explícito na apresentação, serve mais como guia
  • Dê créditos às figuras que for utilizar
  • É interessante mostrar seu rosto para que pessoas te reconheçam futuramente, seja com o vídeo de você falando num canto da apresentação ou com uma foto no primeiro slide. Mas não é obrigatório, faça como se sentir mais confortável
  • Evite colocar texto demais! Um vídeo geralmente é mais dinâmico, com imagens e áudio
  • Recomenda-se que a gravação seja feita com um microfone daqueles que vêm com o fone de ouvido, pois a qualidade fica melhor que pelo microfone do computador. Escolha um lugar e um momento silenciosos ao gravar para minimizar ruídos de fundo.
  • Para a gravação, pode-se utilizar softwares como OBS Studio, ActivePresenter (Windows e Mac, Wine (Linux)
  • A USP disponibilizou um tutorial sobre edição com o ActivePresenter:

Informações sobre o FORMATO do vídeo:

  • Container/extensão/formato: MP4
  • Resolução: 1920x1080 ou 1280x720, codificação h.264/AVC*
  • Frame Rate: 24, 25, 30 ou 60 FPS
  • Audio: stereo ou mono, 128 Kbps, sample rate de 48000 Hz, codificação AAC LC* 
  • os arquivos MP4 gerados pelo pelo ActivePresenter utilizam essa codificação.
  • Essas recomendações são baseadas nas especificações disponibilizadas pelo Google:


Transmissão online -

Session 1 - Tuesday (Nov/23) - 10h00 - 11h00
Host: Alex C. Carciofi
Co-Host: Guilherme Limberg 
Judges: Fábio Herpich (A), Marcelo Bianchi (G), Ana Maria Pereira Nunes (M)

  1. Ricardo Ivan Ferreira da Trindade (IAG) - Opening
  2. Lia Doubrawa (Astronomy): Galaxy clusters as cosmological probes
  3. Gabriela Lima da Silva (Atm. Sciences): Pyrocumulonimbus in South America: A Case Study
  4. Stela Adduci Faria (Astronomy): Amplification of intergalactic magnetic fields by turbulent dynamos
  5. Maurílio Ferreira Salgado (Geophysics): Convolutional Neural Networks for Seismic Data Interpolation
  6. Morgan Sabino Camargo (Astronomy): Building the Panchromatic Stellar Atlas
  7. Klaus Contiero (Geophysics): Analysis of the influence of the mantle shear-wave velocity structure on travel time and amplitude of SS-waves and its precursors: implications for the determination of the mantle transition zone
  8. Leonardo Vieira Costa (Astronomy): PSF-free weak galaxy shape measurement in the context of the J-PAS survey.
  9. Márcia Talita Amorim Marques (Atm. Sciences): METROCLIMA - Greenhouse Gas Measurements in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo
  10. Tajan Henrique de Amorim (Astronomy): 3-D Hydrodynamic Simulations coupled with Radiative transfer
  11. Andrea Teixeira Ustra (Geophysics): Um observatório da Zona Crítica na USP
  12. Isabel Bonomo Pederneiras Barbosa (Astronomy): The Evolution of the Mass - X-ray Luminosity Relation in the CODEX Galaxy Cluster Sample


Session 2 - Tuesday (Nov/23) - 14h00 - 15h00
Host: Andrea Teixeira Ustra
Co-Host: Catarina Pasta Aydar 
Judges: Vera Jatenco Silva Pereira (A), André C. G. Kowalski (G),  Andressa Cardoso (M)

  1. Melissa de Andrade Nunes (Geophysics): Magnetic Effects of Electrical Discharges on Mars
  2. Pedro Ticiani dos Santos (Astronomy): Multi-band photometry of Be stars using HDUST
  3. Camila Ribeiro Sapucci (Atm. Sciences): The South America Intraseasonal Oscillation Index
  4. Roberta Duarte (Astronomy): The First AI Simulation of a Black Hole
  5. Carolina Silveira de Moraes (Geophysics): Magnetic signatures of biogeochemical processes at a hydrocarbon contaminated site
  6. Caroline Santos Segura (Atm. Sciences): Long-term climate trends of cold fronts in the metropolitan region of São Paulo
  7. Pedro Henrique Cezar Remião de Macedo (Astronomy): The ionized gas structure in NGC 5643
  8. Caio Morelli Vicentini (Geophysics): Interactions between basaltic and rhyolitic melts through chaotic dynamics: experiments with natural samples.
  9. Vitor Cernic (Astronomy): Síntese fotométrica de populações de galáxias revelada pelo S-PLUS
  10. Plinio Francisco Jaqueto (Geophysics): A quiescent period in Earth’s magnetic field activity recorded in a stalagmite from the mid-to-late Holocene in South America
  11. Guilherme Limberg (Astronomy): Dwarf galaxies of the past revealed with nearby stars
  12. Janine Araujo do Carmo (Geophysics): The Levantine Iron Age Geomagnetic Anomaly: how can speleothems help us to understand it?

Session 3 - Wednesday (Nov/24) - 10h00 - 11h00
Host: Daniel Zacharias
Co-Host: Victória Maria Lopes Peli
Judges: Rodrigo Nemmen (A), Janine do Carmo (G), Mario Eduardo Gavidia Calderón (M)

  1. Thayse Adineia Pacheco (Astronomy): A Grid of Synthetic Spectra for Subdwarfs
  2. Andre Teruya (Atm. Sciences): Influence of moist convection on the equatorial geostrophic adjustment problem
  3. Camila Naomi Koshikumo (Astronomy): Formation of protostellar disks in the presence of turbulence
  4. Caio Augusto Deiroz Amaral (Geophysics): Mapping Transition Zone
  5. Fabrícia Oliveira Barbosa (Astronomy): Galactic archeology through blue horizontal branch stars
  6. Maria Luiza Kovalski (Atm. Sciences): Vento Próximo à Superfície nas Bacias do Sudeste Brasileiro em Diferentes Reanálises
  7. Thaina Aragao Sabino (Astronomy): Conspicuous features around young stellar clusters
  8. Lúcio Quadros de Souza (Geophysics): Ambient Noise Tomography in the Pantanal Basin
  9. Yuri Abuchaim de Oliveira (Astronomy): O perfil de abundâncias químicas da sobredensidade estelar Triangulum-Andromeda
  10. Victor Salles Araujo (Geophysics): Efficiency of the automatic seismic event location system in Brazil using SeisComP3
  11. Lucas Paulino Santos (Astronomy): Explorando as propriedades dos grãos de poeira em envoltórios de estrelas supergigantes
  12. Alex C. Carciofi (Astronomy): Pleione: A Be star with... 2 disks?

Session 4 - Wednesday (Nov/24) - 14h00 - 15h00
Host: Stela Adduci Faria
Co-Host: Janine do Carmo
Judges: Reinaldo Santos de Lima (A), Eder Molina (G), Diogo Medeiros (M)

  1. Melissa Estevam Freitas (Astronomy): Realistic black hole renderings
  2. Alejandro Herman Delgado Peralta (Atm. Sciences): Simulation of tropospheric ozone Formation in the MASP under climate change scenarios
  3. Lucas Augusto Leardini Siconato (Astronomy): Detecção de assinatura hadrônica no centro galáctico.
  4. João Pedro Macedo Silva (Geophysics): Influence of lithospheric rheology on coastal escarpment evolution at rifted margins
  5. Rodrigo Nemmen (Astronomy): The black hole spin of M87
  6. Lucas de Paula Oliveira/Danilo Dias Cruz (Atm. Sciences): Metroclima Project: Analysis of the temporal variation of carbon dioxide in the megacity of São Paulo at the IAG and PICO DO JARAGUÁ stations
  7. Douglas Ferreira Carlos (Astronomy): Raios-gama de monstrinhos: AGNs em galáxias anãs
  8. Denise Silva de Moura (Geophysics): Gravity anomalies from mass sources in the Paraná basin
  9. Erik Vinicius Rodrigues de Lima (Astronomy): Using machine learning to find distances to galaxies in the Southern Hemisphere
  10. Natália Machado Crespo (Atm. Sciences): Mean and extreme wind speed over the southwestern South Atlantic in a regional climate downscaling
  11. Abhner Pinto de Almeida (Astronomy): Dynamical evolution and the outer regions of clusters
  12. Ualisson Bellon (Geophysics): How remagnetized carbonate rocks might tell us about primordial environments, large scale events in the past and ancient biomagnetic organisms

Session 5 - Thursday (Nov/25) - 10h00 - 11h00
Host: Rosmeri Porfirio da Rocha
Co-Host: André Luiz Figueiredo
Judges: Stela Adduci Faria (A), Plinio Jaqueto (G), Natália Crespo (M)

  1. Maria Fernanda Camacho de Assis (Astronomy): Imagens em Cores Reais a partir de Simulações de Estrelas Be
  2. Hikari Viviane Yamamoto Fukuda (Atm. Sciences): Physical characteristics of storms over large bodies of water in the tropics
  3. Lilianne Mariko Izuti Nakazono (Astronomy): Building an automated object classifier for large-sky surveys
  4. Julia Carolina Rivadeneyra Vera (Geophysics): P- and S-wave  3D  velocity model for the South American platform
  5. Pedro Naethe Motta (Astronomy): Simulating black hole binaries
  6. Thais Fujita (Atm. Sciences): Application of standardized indices to the hydrometric data of the Jurumirim Hydroelectric Power Plant
  7. Matheus Castello Branco Lima de Araujo (Astronomy): How do AGN spectra vary with black hole feeding?
  8. Caio Henrique Ciardelli (Geophysics): Adjoint Tomography of South America
  9. Isabela Souza de Almeida Garcia (Astronomy): Ultra Compact Dwarf Galaxies in Fornax
  10. Hugo Ferreira Saar (Geophysics): Geophysical Electrical  and EM methods applied to groundwater exploration for agricultural irrigation in fractured basalts
  11. Ivan Carlos de Almeida (Astronomy): Winds and Feedback from Black Hole
  12. Saqib Hussain (Astronomy): Diffuse Gamma-rays flux from Clusters of Galaxies

Session 6 - Thursday (Nov/25) - 14h00 - 15h00
Host: Victória Maria Lopes Peli 
Co-Host: Stela Adduci Faria
Judges: Thais dos Santos Silva (A), Daniele Brandt (G), Carlos Eduardo Souto de Oliveira (M)

  1. Kethelin Parra Ramos (Astronomy): Dynamically young galaxies in the center of fossil groups
  2. Jhon Afonso (Geophysics): Ancient evaporites and paleolatitude - moving back into 580 million years ago
  3. Vinicius Abrego Valfogo (Astronomy): The continuing education for teachers and the Astronomy course for High School teachers
  4. Pedro Henrique da Silva Chibane (Geophysics): Magnetic Nanoparticles from Atmospheric PM in Animal Tissue Samples.
  5. Gabriel Fabiano de Souza (Astronomy): Age and metallicity of Stellar Clusters in the Magellanic Clouds using S-PLUS narrow-band photometry
  6. Sergio Ibarra-Espinosa (Atm. Sciences): Comprehensive emissions inventory for Brasil with monthly resolution, 1990-2020
  7. Juan Carlos Rodríguez Ramírez (Astronomy): Multimessenger Output from Magnetic Reconnection in Blazars
  8. Giovanna Ery Tocuti (Geophysics): Superparamagnetic nanoparticles in the study of atmospheric pollution
  9. Pedro Luiz Domingues Magro (Astronomy): Characterization and modeling of nonlinear evolution of Cosmic Ray resonant instability
  10. Lucas de Paula Lima Batista (IFUSP): Cecília: An Outreach or Science Communication program?
  11. André Luiz Figueiredo (Astronomy): Unveiling the inner workings of three thousand Be star disks in the Magellanic Clouds
  12. Isabela Giusti Tonelli (Astronomy): Um levantamento dos egressos do curso de graduação em Astronomia

Session 7 - Friday (Nov/26) - 10h00 - 11h00
Host: Guilherme Limberg
Co-Host: Catarina Pasta Aydar
Judges: Jane Gregorio-Hetem (A),  Andrea Ustra Teixeira (G), Marcia Yamasoe (M)

  1. Ariane Cristina Fonseca Silva (Astronomy): Um Levantamento da Polarização de Campo para estrelas Be Brilhantes
  2. Gabriel Negrucci Dragone (Geophysics): Using signals from thunderstorms and solar wind-magnetosphere interactions to study the crust and mantle beneath continental basins
  3. Natalia Pillar da Silva (Atm. Sciences): Directional Analysis of Extreme Winds over the Southeastern Brazilian Coast
  4. Pâmela Reis Querido (Astronomy): An Investigation of Mass Loss Events in Be Stars
  5. Ricardo Ivan Ferreira da Trindade (Geophysics): Did the Earth's field collapse 600 millions of years ago?
  6. Marcelo Ciani Vicentin (Astronomy): A Bayesian approach to detect galaxy BCGs in photometric surveys
  7. Andressa Andrade Cardoso (Atm. Sciences): Cyclones classification over South America in high-resolution simulations of present and future climate
  8. Giovani Heinzen Vicentin (Astronomy): Turbulent magnetic reconnection in compact objects
  9. Daniele Brandt (Geophysics): The evolution of Earth's core:  searching for clues left by the geomagnetic field in rocks
  10. Amanda Caveagna Rubio (Astronomy): Binary Be Stars: Two Stars, Two Disks, Many Questions
  11. Vitor Hugo Yukio Fugivala (Astronomy): Properties of galaxies in cosmic filaments
  12. Florence Irene Helena de Almeida (Astronomy): Observação da explosão de 2011 da nova recorrente T Pyxidis

Encerramento e Premiação - Friday (Nov/26) - 15h00