O seminário extra do Departamento de Ciências Atmosféricas do IAG/USP será virtual e terá como tema: "Connecting the Dots: Sustainability", com apresentação de dois palestrantes convidados: Dra. Pamela Guerra Smith (Departamento de Geografía, Universidad de Chile) e Dr. Maryegli Fuss (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany).
To continue our discussions on crucial environmental issues, the "Sustainability" theme encourages debates and interactions to learn more about how human activities can provide opportunities for change and sustainable actions in the development of urban areas. Sign up here!
At LAECESS, we aim to promote an inclusive community-based scientific development, empower LatAm researchers in early and mid-stages of their careers, and catalyze interdisciplinary scientific networks in the region. Join us!
Haverá transmissão pelo canal do Departamento de Ciências Atmosféricas: https://www.youtube.com/@AtmosferaIAGUSP/live