Treinamento: boas práticas de programação


Horário de início



Auditório P-217 – IAG/USP (Rua do Matão, 1226 - Cidade Universitária)

O treinamento será ministrado pelo Dr. João Bento (Software engineer, Liverpool John Moores University, UK) e é aberto a toda a comunidade IAG. Não é necessário inscrição prévia. Duração: 2h.

Resumo: Astronomers spend a lot of time writing code. Software development is often a huge part of daily work, and arguably the most valuable transferrable skill that applies to future positions. Therefore, coding practices that align with global standards are often a good habit to acquire early in the development experience, so they become second nature.
In this session, I will briefly cover a number of aspects that can be a suitable foundation for empowering students and early career researchers in their coding journey. We will cover version control, standard coding practices, integrated development environments, and containerization topics. This session is aimed at all levels of experience, starting with tools useful to everyone right now and finishing with topics that are industry standards and worth being aware of.