The ALHAMBRA Survey: first data release


Horário de início



Auditório 2 (Rua do Matão, 1226, Cidade Universitária)


The ALHAMBRA Survey: first data release

Alberto Molino

Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

The ALHAMBRA (Advance Large Homogeneous Area Medium Band Redshift Astronomical; Moles et al. 2008) survey has observed 8 different regions of the sky, including sections of the COSMOS, DEEP2, ELAIS, GOODS-N, SDSS and Groth fields using a new photometric system with 20 contiguous, ~300A width,  filters covering the optical range, plus deep JHKs imaging. The observations, carried out with the Calar Alto 3.5m telescope using the wide field (0.25 deg2 FOV) optical camera LAICA and the NIR instrument Omega-2000, correspond to ~700hrs of on-target science images. The photometric system was specifically designed to maximize the effective depth of the survey in terms of accurate spectral-type and photometric redshift estimation along with the capability of identification of relatively faint emission lines. With the (recent) first data release, the ALHAMBRA-survey has made public a catalogue corresponding to a sample of ~0.5 million galaxies (+20.000 stars in the galactic halo and >1000 AGN candidates), photometrically complete down to magnitude I=24AB, with very accurate and reliable photometric redshift estimations. This seminar is intended to be a general introduction to the survey itself along with an explanation regarding the data and all its potential(doable) science.