
Título Autor Ano de publicação Ordenação decrescente
Gaia DR3 documentation. Gaia DR3 documentation, European Space Agency; Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium van Leeuwen, F.
APOGEE-2S Discovery of Light- and Heavy-element Abundance Correlations in the Bulge Globular Cluster NGC 6380 Fernández-Trincado, José G.
Telluric absorption lines in the ALMA spectra of η Car Abraham, Zulema,Abraham, Zulema
Magnetic field orientation in self-gravitating turbulent molecular clouds Barreto-Mota, L.,Barreto-Mota, L.
12C/13C ratio and CNO abundances in the classical very old metal-poor dwarf HD 140283 Spite, M.
Corotation resonance and the radial distribution of oxygen in a spiral galaxy Acharova, I.A. 2005
The luminosity function of the fossil group RX J1552.2+2013 Mendes de Oliveira, C. 2006
On the lengths, colors, and ages of 18 face-on bars Gadotti, D.A. 2006
Properties of the ? Scorpii Circumstellar Disk from Continuum Modeling. Carciofi, A. C. 2006
VLT-UVES analysis of two giants in the bulge metal-poor globular cluster HP-1 Barbuy, B. 2006
Structure and dynamics of the Shapley Supercluster. Velocity catalogue, general morphology and mass Proust, D. 2006
Observational Properties of Protoplanetary Disk Gaps Varniere, P. 2006
The young massive stellar cluster associated with RCW 121 Roman-Lopes, A. 2006
On the magnetic structure and wind parameter profiles of Alfvén wave driven winds in late-type supergiant stars Falceta-Gonçalves, D. 2006
Detection of K_s-excess stars in the 14 Myr open cluster NGC 4755 Bonatto, C. 2006
Modelling spectral line profiles of wind-wind shock emissions from massive binary systems Falceta-Gonçalves, D. 2006
The true nature of the alleged planetary nebula W16-185 Roman-Lopes, A. 2006
Outflows of very Ionized Gás in the Center of Seyfert Galaxies: kinematics and physical conditions Rodriguez-Ardila, A. 2006
CNO in evolved intermediate mass stars Smiljanic, R. 2006
Assisted stellar suicide in V617 Sagittarii Steiner, J.E. 2006
A rich population of X-Ray-emitting Wolf-Rayet stars in the galactic starburst cluster westerlund 1 Skinner, S.L. 2006
Hamilton-Jacobi Approach for Power-Law Santos, R.C. 2006
SOAR BVI photometry of the metal-poor bulge globular cluster NGC 6642 Barbuy, B. 2006
First stars IX - Mixing in extremely metal-poor giants. Variation of the 12C/13C, [Na/Mg] and [Al/Mg] ratios Spite, M. 2006
Subsurface oceans and deep interiors of medium-sized outer planet satellites and large trans-neptunian objects Hussmann, H. 2006
Oxygen abundances in the Galactic bulge: evidence for fast chemical enrichment Zoccali, M. 2006
Diffuse light and building history of the galaxy cluster Abell 2667 Covone, G. 2006
Mass segregation in rich LMC clusters from modelling of deep HST colour-magnitude diagrams Kerber, L.O. 2006
The Effects of Alfvén Waves and Radiation Pressure in Dusty Winds of Late-Type Stars. II. Dust-Cyclotron Damping Vidotto, A.A. 2006
Planetary migration and extrasolar planets in the 2/1 mean-motion resonance Beaugé, C. 2006
A Tomographic Study of the Classical Nova RR Pictoris Ribeiro, F.M.A. 2006
Optical and near-infrared simultaneous observations of the BL Lacs PKS 2005-489 and PKS 2155-304 Dominici, T. 2006
Eletrostatic waves in a Maxwellian dusty plasma with variable charge on dust particles Schneider, R.S. 2006
X-rays from the Symbiotic Star RX Pup Luna, G.J. M. 2006
AG Carinae: a luminous blue variable with a high rotational velocity Groh, J.H. 2006
The shower size parameter as estimator of extensive air shower energy in fluorescence telescopes de Souza, V. 2006
Non-LTE Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer. I. The Thermal Properties of Keplerian Disks around Classical Be Stars Carciofi, A.C. 2006
Anomalies in the low CMB multipoles and extended foregrounds Abramo, L.R. 2006
Warping and Precession in Galactic and Extragalactic Accretion Disks Caproni, A. 2006
The Electron Temperature Gradient in the Galactic Disk Quireza, C. 2006
The UV scattering halo of the central source associated with Eta Carinae Hillier, D.J. 2006
First stars X. The nature of three unevolved carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars Sivarani, T. 2006
XMM-Newton observations of low luminosity Be/X-ray candidates Lopes de Oliveira, R. 2006
Shrinking of cluster ellipticals: A tidal stripping explanation and implications for the intracluster light Cypriano, E.S. 2006
Optical polarimetric monitoring of the type II-plateau SN 2005af Pereyra, A. 2006
Dynamical evidence of the age-metallicity relation in the Milky Way disk Rocha-Pinto, H.J. 2006
Probing magnetohydrodynamical scenarios for jet production de Gouveia Dal Pino, E. M. 2006
The CdC2000 Bordeaux Carte du Ciel catalogue (+11° < delta < +18°) Rapaport, M. 2006
A Self-Consistent determination of the temperature profile and the magnetic field geometry in winds of late-type stars Vidotto, A.A. 2006
On the nitrogen abundance of FLIERs: the outer knots of the planetary nebula NGC 7009 Gonçalves, D.R. 2006